Well I did it again. Another month and a half with no blog update. Well here it is, but don't get too excited.
Not much has been happening. By not much, I mean absolutely nothing. The one downside of being ahead of the game is that THERE IS SO MUCH WAITING. This is the only reason I haven't really been posting much. One noteworthy things is that I believe I will hear back next week from AFS on whether or not I am qualified for my financial aid. I will let you know more about that when I hear back from them. I was told that August would be the month that I get accepted by AFS Italy, so I am also anticipating that as well. Sorry for the boring blog post. Hopefully something interesting happens soon.
I want to take this paragraph to wish all my fellow AFS'ers who are departing on their year programs GOOD LUCK, AND HAVE FUN! There are so many that I know are leaving, but I'll give a shoutout to the ones I know the best here. Axelle, Dzenita, Elena, Konrad, Tami, you guys are about to embark on what could perhaps be the defining year of your life. I encourage you to fight through the inevitable struggles when you first get there, and fully appreciate what your doing at all times, even if it's just sitting in your room doing homework. It's starting to hit me how lucky we are to have this opportunity, and I am so excited to see how it impacts each and every one of us. Have a good trip, and I'll see you in January! PS. I know that I am forgetting people, so this message goes to anyone who I have forgotten, or have not met. Have fun!