Monday, January 27, 2014


This is crazy.  I have officially started my application!  On the 25th, I felt like I had so much time to prepare for the application, then on the 26th, it just kinda started.  I saw that infamous apply now! button, and I seriously have never been so excited to see words.  Well I guess I'll just walk you through my weekend.

When I woke up on Saturday, I was lying there thinking about what this next year is going to be like, and of course, that includes AFS.  I felt the urge to check the site to see if I could start applying, so I did.  When I saw that it was available, I wanted to start applying right there, but I figured I should probably shower first.... You know what they say, don't apply dirty.  (they don't think they actually say that...)

So I stated my preliminary application, which was simply your basic information, your parent's basic information, and program preference.  I filled all of the boring stuff out, then got to the bottom where it asked about your top 3 programs.  I filled in Italy for the first one (duh), but I could not decide what to put for my second and third choice.  I have never really thought about going anywhere else other than Italy.  After some thinking, I decided to put New Zealand, as my second choice.   Why you ask?  Have you ever seen New Zealand?  WOW. I'll put a picture on here, it's amazing.

For my third choice, I really had no idea what to put.  My options were Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, France, Ghana, New Zealand, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, and Russia.  Last trimester, I took a Holocaust Studies class, and in turn learned a lot about central European countries, one of which being Austria.  So that is what I decided to put, Austria.  It is close to everything in Europe, and me being a history lover, I will love seeing all of the WWII stuff.  I'll put a picture of Austria below as well.Of course, these are simply back up programs.  With me starting literally as early as possible on the Italy application, I don't think being accepted will be a problem.

After I submitted my preliminary application, I received an email about where to go from there.  It basically just told me where to go to do my application, and what else the site offers for me.  It also mentioned setting up a mandatory in-home interview.  I have known about this, but never actually thought about doing it.  Everything has become so real.  ANYWAY, I was told to email the leader of the AFS chapter in Minnesota.  It was actually kinda funny, because when I first started looking into AFS back in March, I had been in contact with him.  I emailed him to set up the interview, and he seemed to remember me, which was cool.  He is going to do the interview himself in a couple of weeks.  I'm really excited!

The application is HUGE. I'll post a screenshot of the page below, so you can see what kind of hell i'm in for the next couple of weeks.  Because of my eagerness, I have already finished everything that I can do alone!  Written my letter to my host family was really cool.  I have no idea who they are, but felt like I was writing to someone that I do know.  I printed of about 17 pages of forms that have to be filled out by certain people, and hope to get them done by the end of this week.  I really want to submit this application.... ugh.

Also, last week I finally applied for a passport!  I had to drive 15 miles to Glencoe to get it, twice, in terrible Minnesota winter weather.  But hey, I got it.

I guess that kinda wraps it up.  I'm sure the next few day/weeks will be very eventful, so I'll try to post as much as I can.

Friday, January 17, 2014

One Year From Now

This is insane. In one year and three days, I will be departing on possibly the greatest adventure I will ever have in my lifetime.  This post will be little weird.  I am going to try and walk you through what my week will be like, but one year from now.  I'll look back on this in a year, and probably think that I was way off, but at least it will provide a laugh. (Your welcome future Colin).

Friday, January 16, 2015-  My last day of school.  This is gonna be a super tough day; saying goodbye to friends and all, but it will be the official start of the journey.  I have never been so excited to be sad, is that weird?  I'm sure, with my eagerness, that I will already be packed, and my mom will definitely already be in tears.  I'll be double checking flights, visas, luggage tags, anything that can make me paranoid.

Saturday, January 17, 2015-  Today will hopefully be a day to just relax, and prepare for the series of flights ahead of me, (aka sleep all day).  I'm sure that I will try to do stuff with family, dinners and such.  Once again, I will repeat the process of double checking everything, and probably begin freaking out over little things.

Sunday, January 18, 2015-  Sunday will probably be really similar to Saturday, a bunch of nothing.  I'm not sure how I will feel emotionally though.  I know that I will be excited, but probably very worried, and already a little homesick even though I haven't left.

Monday, January 19, 2015-  My last day in Minnesota.  This will probably be filled with family I assume; lots of goodbyes.  I will be finishing packing, and once again, triple checking everything.  Probably not a whole lot of sleep that night.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015-  Oh man.  My flight will be sometime today, and I probably will seriously consider not going, but i'll force myself onto the plane.  Very emotional day, but this is the day I have been planning for for 1.5 years!  Probably really nervous and sad, but eager to experience everything.  At some point, i'll arrive at JFK in New York, and things will really hit me.  I'll start meeting other AFSers and volunteers, and prepare myself for the next five months.

Well, let's hope things go as smoothly as I just made them out to be.  I'm very excited, but also very nervous.  But hey, I have A LOT of time before I have to worry about it, right?

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Check in

Buon giorno! I don't have much to post as of right now, but figured I could check in really quick.

I'm in a little bit of a calm period right now, but that will soon change with the application process coming up. I hope to start the application in a couple of weeks, but if you would like more information on that, refer to my last blog post.  It thoroughly explains the significant confusion that is applying!

Money is coming along.  After writing my last blog post, I am slightly more optimistic about the financial aspect of this trip.  It will still be tough, but if there is one thing that AFS is good at, it is making your trip possible at any cost.  (Like the pun? Me either...).  Some of my major Christmas presents from my family was simply money towards Italy.  I won't go into numbers, but I will for sure have my first tuition payment in February!

Not much, but that is what I'm up to lately.  My posts will get more interesting in about a month, when the crazy part begins... If you are a frequent reader, hang with me!  The purpose of this blog is to raise money, but an equally important reason is to answer questions/ ignite interest in studying abroad for younger readers. If you are thinking about studying abroad, and have no idea where to start researching, keep reading!  This will be a first hand account of what EXACTLY happens during the entire experience, before and after I leave.
